CPU Instructions

The 1130 CPU instruction set is made up of five general classes of instructions:

  1. Load and store
  2. Arithmetic
  3. Shift
  4. Branch
  5. Input/output

Names, assembler mnemonics, and execution times of the instructions are listed in Figure 15.

The execution times can be used by the programmer to calculate whether time-dependent functions can be performed -- for example, whether there is sufficient time to execute a specific series of instructions between the time that an input record is stored in core storage until the next record from the same device is stored in core storage. Similarly, the execution times are used to calculate which one of two or more equivalent series of instructions (for example, two or more equivalent loops) can be executed faster, thus contributing to decreased program execution time.

Instruction Mnemonic Binary OP Code 1131 Models 1 and 2 Execution Times (in microseconds)
Single Word (F = 0) Double Word (F = 1)
T = 00 T = 01, 10, or 11 T = 00 T = 01. 1O, or 11
Avg. Max. Avg. Max. Avg.1 Max.1 Avg.1 Max.1
Load and Store
Load ACC LD 11000 7.6 -- 11.2 -- 10.8 -- 14.8 --
Load Double LDD 11001 11.2 -- 14.9 -- 14.4 -- 18.0 --
Store ACC STO 11010 7.6 -- 11.2 -- 10.8 -- 14.8 --
Store Double STD 11011 11.2 -- 14.9 -- 14.4 -- 18.0 --
Load Index LDX 01100 4.5 -- 7.2 -- 7.2 -- 11.8 --
Store Index STX 01101 7.6 -- 11.2 -- 11.8 -- 15.4 --
Load Status LDS7 00100 3.6 -- 3.6 -- -- -- -- --
Store Status STS 00101 7.6 -- 11.2 -- 10.8 -- 14.8 --
Add A 10000 8.0 13.0 11.7 16.6 11.2 16.2 15.3 20.3
Add Double AD 10001 12.2 22.0 15.8 25.6 15.3 25.2 19.3 29.5
Subtract S 10010 8.0 13.0 11.7 16.6 11.2 16.2 15.3 20.3
Subtract Double SD 10011 12.2 22.0 15.8 25.6 15.3 25.2 19.3 29.5
Multiply M 10100 25.7 40.0 29.3 43.6 29.3 43.6 32.9 47.2
Divide D 10101 76.0 150.8 79.6 154.4 79.6 154.4 83.2 150.0
AND AND 11100 7.6 -- 11.2 -- 10.8 -- 14.8 --
OR OR 11101 7.6 -- 11.2 -- 10.8 -- 14.8 --
Exclusive OR EOR 11110 7.6 -- 11.2 -- 10.8 -- 14.8 --
Shift Left*, Modifier Bits 8 & 9
No Operation NOP 00010 3.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Shift Left Acc,00 SLA7 00010 3 -- 4 -- -- -- -- --
Shift Left ACC and EXT,10 SLT7 00010
Shift Left and Count
SLCA7 8 00010
Shift Left and Count ACC
and EXT,11
SLC7 8 00010
Shift Right*,Modifier Bits
8 & 9
Shift Right ACC,OO or O1 SRA7 00011
Shift Right ACC and
SRT7 00011
Rotate Right,11 RTE7 00011 5 6
Branch and Store IAR BSI 01000 7.6 -- 11.2 -- 10.82 -- 14.8 --
Branch or Skip on Condition BSC 01001 3.6 -- 3.6 -- 7.22 -- 11.2 --
Modify Index and Skip MDX 01110 4.5 9.9 11.2 16.2 18.5 23.4 18.5 23.4
Wait WAIT7 0O11O9 3.6 -- 3.6 -- -- -- -- --
Execute I/O XIO10 00001 11.2 -- 14.8 -- 14.4 -- 18.4 --

*Valid in short format only


1. Indirect addressing, where applicable, adds one storage cycle (3.6 µsec) to execution time. 6. N > 16: two storage cycles + 0.45(N-19).
N < 16: two storage cycles +0.45(N-4).
where N = number of positions shifted,
When N = 16, only two storage cycles are used.
2. If branch is taken.
3. One storage cycle + 0.45(N-4). When N ≤ 4, only one storage cycle is used. 7. Indirect addressing not allowed.
4. Two storage cycles + 0.45(N-4). When N ≤ 4, only two storage cycles are used. 8. If T = 00. functions as SLA or SLT.
9. All unassigned OP codes are defined as wait operations.
5. N > 16: one storage cycle + 0.45(N-19).
N < 16: one storage cycle + 0.45(N-4).
When N 16. only one storage cycle is used.
10. If XIO read or write, add one storage cycle.

Figure 15 (Part 1 of 3). 1130 Instruction Set and Execution Times

Instruction Mnemonic Binary OP Code 1131 Models 3 and 5 Execution Times (in microseconds)
Single Word (F = 0) Double Word (F = 1)
T = 00 T = 01, 10, or 11 T = 00 T = 01. 1O, or 11
Avg. Max. Avg. Max. Avg.1 Max.1 Avg.1 Max.1
Load and Store
Load ACC LD 11000 4.6 -- 6.8 -- 6.6 -- 9.0 --
Load Double LDD 11001 6.8 -- 9.1 -- 8.8 -- 11.0 --
Store ACC STO 11010 4.6 -- 6.8 -- 6.6 -- 9.0 --
Store Double STD 11011 6.8 -- 9.1 -- 8.8 -- 11.0 --
Load Index LDX 01100 2.7 -- 4.4 -- 4.4 -- 7.2 --
Store Index STX 01101 4.6 -- 6.8 -- 7.2 -- 9.4 --
Load Status LDS7 00100 2.2 -- 2.2 -- -- -- -- --
Store Status STS 00101 4.6 -- 6.8 -- 6.6 -- 9.0 --
Add A 10000 4.9 7.9 7.1 10.1 6.8 9.9 9.4 12.4
Add Double AD 10001 7.5 13.4 9.6 15.6 9.4 15.4 11.8 18.0
Subtract S 10010 4.9 7.9 7.1 10.1 6.8 9.9 9.4 12.4
Subtract Double SD 10011 7.5 13.4 9.6 15.6 9.4 15.4 20.1 26.1
Multiply M 10100 15.7 24.4 17.9 26.6 17.9 26.6 18.8 28.8
Divide D 10101 46.4 92.1 48.6 94.4 48.6 94.4 50.8 91.6
AND AND 11100 4.6 -- 6.8 -- 6.6 -- 9.0 --
OR OR 11101 4.6 -- 6.8 -- 6.6 -- 9.0 --
Exclusive OR EOR 11110 4.6 -- 6.8 -- 6.6 -- 9.0 --
Shift Left*, Modifier Bits 8 & 9
No Operation NOP 00010 2.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Shift Left Acc,00 SLA7 00010 3 -- 4 -- -- -- -- --
Shift Left ACC and EXT,10 SLT7 00010
Shift Left and Count
SLCA7 8 00010
Shift Left and Count ACC
and EXT,11
SLC7 8 00010
Shift Right*,Modifier Bits
8 & 9
Shift Right ACC,OO or O1 SRA7 00011
Shift Right ACC and
SRT7 00011
Rotate Right,11 RTE7 00011 5 6
Branch and Store IAR BSI 01000 4.6 -- 6.8 -- 6.62 -- 9.0 --
Branch or Skip on Condition BSC 01001 2.2 -- 2.2 -- 4.42 -- 6.8 --
Modify Index and Skip MDX 01110 2.7 6.0 6.8 9.9 11.3 14.3 11.3 14.3
Wait WAIT7 0O11O9 2.2 -- 2.2 -- -- -- -- --
Execute I/O XIO10 00001 6.8 -- 9.0 -- 8.8 -- 11.2 --

*Valid in short format only


1. Indirect addressing, where applicable, adds one storage cycle (2.2 µsec) to execution time. 6. N > 16: two storage cycles + 0.275(N-19).
N < 16: two storage cycles +0.275(N-4).
where N = number of positions shifted,
When N = 16, only two storage cycles are used.
2. If branch is taken.
3. One storage cycle + 0.275(N-4). When N ≤ 4, only one storage cycle is used. 7. Indirect addressing not allowed.
4. Two storage cycles + 0.275(N-4). When N ≤ 4, only two storage cycles are used. 8. If T = 00. functions as SLA or SLT.
9. All unassigned OP codes are defined as wait operations.
5. N > 16: one storage cycle + 0.275(N-19).
N < 16: one storage cycle + 0.275(N-4).
When N 16. only one storage cycle is used.
10. If XIO read or write, add one storage cycle.

Figure 15 (Part 2 of 3). 1130 Instruction Set and Execution Times

Instruction Mnemonic Binary OP Code 1131 Model 4 Execution Times (in microseconds)**
Single Word (F = 0) Double Word (F = 1)
T = 00 T = 01, 10, or 11 T = 00 T = 01. 1O, or 11
Avg. Max. Avg. Max. Avg.1 Max.1 Avg.1 Max.1
Load and Store
Load ACC LD 11000 12.1 -- 18.0 -- 17.5 -- 23.8 --
Load Double LDD 11001 18.0 -- 23.8 -- 23.4 -- 29.2 --
Store ACC STO 11010 12.1 -- 18.0 -- 17.5 -- 23.8 --
Store Double STD 11011 18.0 -- 23.8 -- 23.4 -- 29.2 --
Load Index LDX 01100 6.8 -- 11.7 -- 11.7 -- 18.5 --
Store Index STX 01101 12.1 -- 18.0 -- 18.5 -- 24.3 --
Load Status LDS7 00100 5.9 -- 5.9 -- -- -- -- --
Store Status STS 00101 12.1 -- 18.0 -- 17.5 -- 23.8 --
Add A 10000 12.6 19.8 18.4 25.6 18.0 25.2 24.3 31.5
Add Double AD 10001 18.9 35.5 24.8 41.5 24.3 40.9 30.6 47.7
Subtract S 10010 12.6 19.8 18.4 25.6 18.0 25.2 24.3 31.5
Subtract Double SD 10011 18.9 35.5 24.8 41.5 24.3 40.9 30.6 47.7
Multiply M 10100 41.4 64.8 47.5 70.6 47.5 70.6 53.1 76.5
Divide D 10101 123.3 243.0 129.1 248.8 129.1 248.8 135.0 242.1
AND AND 11100 12.1 -- 18.0 -- 17.5 -- 23.8 --
OR OR 11101 12.1 -- 18.0 -- 17.5 -- 23.8 --
Exclusive OR EOR 11110 12.1 -- 18.0 -- 17.5 -- 23.8 --
Shift Left*, Modifier Bits 8 & 9
No Operation NOP 00010 5.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Shift Left Acc,00 SLA7 00010 3 -- 4 -- -- -- -- --
Shift Left ACC and EXT,10 SLT7 00010
Shift Left and Count
SLCA7 8 00010
Shift Left and Count ACC
and EXT,11
SLC7 8 00010
Shift Right*,Modifier Bits
8 & 9
Shift Right ACC,OO or O1 SRA7 00011
Shift Right ACC and
SRT7 00011
Rotate Right,11 RTE7 00011 5 6
Branch and Store IAR BSI 01000 12.1 -- 18.0 -- 17.52 -- 23.8 --
Branch or Skip on Condition BSC 01001 5.9 -- 5.9 -- 11.72 -- 18.0 --
Modify Index and Skip MDX 01110 6.8 14.4 18.0 25.2 29.6 36.9 29.6 36.9
Wait WAIT7 0O11O9 5.9 -- 5.9 -- -- -- -- --
Execute I/O XIO10 00001 18.0 -- 23.8 -- 23.4 -- 25.9 --

*Valid in short format only

**Execution times are the same as for Models 1 and 2 when either interruption level 0 or 1 is active.


1. Indirect addressing, where applicable, adds one storage cycle (5.9 or 3.6 µsec) to execution time. 6. N > 16: two storage cycles + 0.45(N-19).
N < 16: two storage cycles +0.45(N-4).
where N = number of positions shifted,
When N = 16, only two storage cycles are used.
2. If branch is taken.
3. One storage cycle + 0.45(N-4). When N ≤ 4, only one storage cycle is used. 7. Indirect addressing not allowed.
4. Two storage cycles + 0.45(N-4). When N ≤ 4, only two storage cycles are used. 8. If T = 00. functions as SLA or SLT.
9. All unassigned OP codes are defined as wait operations.
5. N > 16: one storage cycle + 0.45(N-19).
N < 16: one storage cycle + 0.45(N-4).
When N 16. only one storage cycle is used.
10. If XIO read or write, add one storage cycle.

Figure 15 (Part 3 of 3). 1130 Instruction Set and Execution Times

Symbols and Organization of Instruction Descriptions

The following instruction descriptions generally include:

  1. The name of the instruction
  2. Next, the assembler machine-language menomic [sic]
  3. The bit structure for both the short and long formats, when applicable. Hexadecimal values appear under the bit structures. Frequently, a range of values is shown when the instruction can, in fact, have more than one bit structure for a particular field. (X represents any hexadecimal digit.)
  4. A description of the function(s) and exceptional conditions of the instruction
  5. A short paragraph, following the instruction description, that specifies how the carry and overflow indicators are affected by the instruction.
  6. Examples at the end of each instruction. Shown in these examples are the assembler language coding and the hexadecimal value that is assembled (the X again represents any valid hexadecimal digit) with a brief description of the operation. For example, for the load-accumulator instruction:
Assembly coding example

In this example, the contents of the core-storage location (CSL) specified by the effective address (EA), which is determined by the contents of the instruction address register (I) plus the displace ment (DISP), are loaded into the accumulator (A). The description is condensed through use of the abbreviated notation shown to the right of the hexadecimal value.

The symbols used in the instruction examples and the meanings of such symbols are:

Symbol Meaning
A Accumulator
Q Accumulator extension
ADDR or ADDRESS Contents of the address field of a long-format instruction
CSL Core-storage location
DISP Contents of the displacement field in a short-format instruction
EA Effective address (refer to "Effective-Address Generation")
EA + 1 The next word location after the one specified by the EA
I Contents of the instruction-address register
V Value
XR1 Contents of index-register I
XR2 Contents of index-register 2
XR3 Contents of index-register 3
X Any valid hexadecimal digit

Pictorial representations appear in the "Description" portion of text for most of the instructions. The purpose of these illustrations is merely to clarify the main points of the operations. They are not meant to present all the variations or exceptions that are discussed in the descriptive narrative. In the pictorial representations, the outlined numerals [omitted] simply point out the order of the steps within the illustration (not necessarily the order of steps within an instruction execution) so that you may follow the presentation more easily; these outlined numerals have no other purpose.

This manual does not present a detailed explanation of assembler-language coding. Rules of assembler-language coding are in IBM 1130 Assembler Language, Order No. GC26-5927, which should be used with this functional-characteristics manual whenever reference to assembler-language rules is required.

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